8 Steps Closer To
"Saving Your Cents"
Step 3: Coupon Resources: Internet Printable Coupons
The #2 Coupon Resource is Internet Printable Coupons.
"Saving Your Cents"
Step 3: Coupon Resources: Internet Printable Coupons
The #2 Coupon Resource is Internet Printable Coupons.
There are many legit coupon printing sites that you can build a hefty stash of coupons from! Many of the coupons that you print will expire within 30 days of printing (some sooner and some later). Most of your retailers will accept internet printable coupons now. Fraudulent coupons are becoming a thing of the past (there are still some attempts out there though) and the coupon printing companies are ensuring the retailers that they will get reimbursed for accepting the coupons! Be sure to check with your local store before you try to shop with coupons!
The 3 Major Coupon Sites:

You can access Coupons.Com (in my right-hand column and SmartSource.Com's (under my tabs at the top of the page) coupons directly through my site. I will have Redplum added shortly! Hopefully this will make it easier for you to find everything all on one site!
Each one of these sites requires you to install a coupon printer software. The coupon companies didn't want to allow individuals to print out an unlimited number of each coupons so they created a software that could track how many coupons were being printed from each computer. If you have multiple computers in your home or access to work computers you will be able to print 2 out "per" computer.
Stay tuned for an article that I will write on common problems that you may have with the coupon printing software along with the resolutions.
There are many other legit sites that you can print coupons from. I will post the list here in this article but I always have the list on hand over on my "Links" tab for a quick reference!
Other sites that have SmartSource coupons:
In addition to the main Smart Source coupon site the following websites also carry similar or the same coupons. You will be able to print 2 of the same coupon out per computer per site! There is a potential of having multiple of the same coupons through these various sites!
Each site carries manufacturer's coupons that can be used at any store! Some of them have store specific coupons in addition to the manufacturer's coupons.
Food Lion
Quality Market
Tom Thumb
Other Sites That Have Coupons.Com Coupons: Again you should be able to print out 2 more of the same coupon per computer through this site!
CouponBug.Com (must register to access)
Tips for the internet printable coupon sites:
- Not so noticeable coupons: Each time you print coupons from the Coupons.com site you can also see a list of other coupons that they have on various sites. When you get to the "Thank You" screen scroll down and see if there are any coupons that you are interested in! All of the coupons listed are powered by coupons.com and available on other sites!
- Where did the coupon go? If you are using one of the major coupon sites you may notice that your coupon disappears after you print it out. Once you print your first coupon the location of the coupon will move to either the last page or the second to last page. When you get ready to print the second copy save yourself some time and go directly to the last page and work you way back!
- "Print Limit Reached": You will see coupons that have "Print Limit Reached" on the last page of your coupons. This has happened for one of two reasons. 1. You have personally printed your limit (2 per computer). 2. The cap has been reached for the number of coupons that the manufacturer wanted to release. Example: Let's say that Kellogg's only wanted 10,000 of one particular coupon printed from the site. Once that number has been reached the coupon will still be listed but it will say "Print Limit Reached".
- When do coupons reset? Some coupons may reset (allowing you to print another 2 copies) for one of 2 reasons: 1. Once the print limit is reached for the cap (explained with the Kellogg's example above) the manufacturer may decide to release more of the same coupon. Usually this happens if the cap is reached quickly over a day or two! You won't know when or why but it does happen. 2. The manufacturer's may make an agreement with the coupon printing site to keep their coupon on the site for more than 1 month. If this is the case then the coupons will reset on the first of the month.
- How often do new coupons become available? Most of the major sites change out a majority of their coupons during the first week of each month. This is when you will see the highest turnover of coupons. However, coupons are released periodically throughout the entire month. I try to write "New Coupon Alerts" when I see that there is a new coupon but you may also want to check as often as you can for yourself!
- Email Alerts: Each site allows you to sign up for email alerts. These alerts will come out periodically throughout the week. They will send out notices when new coupons are added!
Product Specific Sites
General Mills "Family Cents" Site (registration required)(link suppressed until further notice)
Betty Crocker (registration required)
Eat Better America (registration required)
Pillsbury.com (registration required)
HealthZone 365
Nestle's "Very Best Kids"
CouponCabin's Grocery Coupon Link List
General Mills "Family Cents" Site (registration required)(link suppressed until further notice)
Betty Crocker (registration required)
Eat Better America (registration required)
Pillsbury.com (registration required)
HealthZone 365
Nestle's "Very Best Kids"
CouponCabin's Grocery Coupon Link List
InternetDrugCoupons: Huge list of all types of coupons for OTC medicine.
Delicious Living (organic coupon list)
Home Solutions News (must register to access)
SimpleAndDelicious (must register to access)
Wyeth Health
Nestle Everyday Eating (must register to access)
Johnson & Johnson Baby Coupons
Unilever (must register to access)
Delicious Living (organic coupon list)
Home Solutions News (must register to access)
SimpleAndDelicious (must register to access)
Wyeth Health
Nestle Everyday Eating (must register to access)
Johnson & Johnson Baby Coupons
Unilever (must register to access)
Disney Family (variety of coupons)
Delicious Living - Printables (these are all PDF couponsEating Well - They email out organic coupons with their newsletter.
Food For Life - Certified Organic Grains E-Coupons (not for all areas)
Health E Savers - Printables
Horizon Organic - Printables
Kiwi - They email out organic coupons with their newsletter.
Mambo Sprouts - Home Mailers, Printable and E-Coupons.
Nature’s Oasis - Printables
Organic Valley Coupons - Printables
Smartsource.com - They frequently have organic coupons.
Stonyfield Farms - Printables
Vocal Point - They frequently mail out tons of coupons including organic and natural coupons.
Individual company sites with coupons: This list is constantly updated with new links!
After the Fall - Printable .75/1 Juice Coupons
Applegate Farms - Sign up for their newsletter and they email you PDF coupons.
Alexia Foods - Sign up to get a $1/1 Coupon.
Barbara’s - Coupons by mail.
Brown Cow Farm - Printable
Burlesom Honey- Printable
Coleman Natural - Take a survey and receive coupons.
Country Choice Organic - Sign up and receive coupons by mail.
Dreamfields Pasta - $1/1 Pasta Coupon
Earthbound Farm - Do a short quiz for some coupons.
Earth’s Best - $1/10 Earth’s Best Jars Printable.
Ecostore - $2 Printable good at Meijer until 5/28/09 (personally sent to me by Meijer so it is legit).
Ecover - Printables
Enjoy Life - Printable
Fruitabu - Sign up for newsletter and receive coupons.
Ians - Printable
Kahiki - Fill out a survey for coupons.
Kashi - They frequently put up coupons on their site.
Knudson - Printable
Laura’s Lean Beef - $1/1 Beef Coupon
Little Cow Foods - sign up to receive coupons.
Morningstar - sign up for their newsletter to receive coupons.
Nature Made - $1 Printable
Naked Juice - sign up to receive coupons.
Natural Dentist - Printable
Nature’s Way - sign up to receive coupons.
Organic Prairie - Meat Printable
PFMadison’s - fill out a survey for a coupon.
Rice Select - Join club to receive coupons.
Rosetto - Printable
Seventh Generation - Printable
Silk - sign up for the email to receive coupons and special offers.
Sun Crystals - $1.50 coupon and free sample.
Vitalicious - sign up to receive coupons.
Vitasoy - sign up for the newsletter to receive coupons.
Yogi Tea - receive a free sample and coupons.
Now that you have spent a few hours clicking on each link and running out of printer ink...you are well prepared to know where to get your online coupons from! My site, along with other sites, will usually link up to the correct coupon when we do matchups for local grocery and drug stores. For the most part you shouldn't have to use all of these links on a daily basis but they do come in handy if you are hunting for a specific coupon!
If any of these sites are dead links at any point in time please leave a comment to let us know! Sometimes the coupon links change from time to time! I will try my best to keep the links working!
If you missed the post on my #1 Resource: Newspapers you can go here to read it! Check out #3 here, #4 here & #5 here (The links will be dead until I write the articles! I will update each link as I write them!)
These coupon links were compiled on this page by me but accrued through my research & multiple resources listed below...
HotCouponWorld, AFullCup, & AThriftyMama(for the organic coupon links)
These coupon links were compiled on this page by me but accrued through my research & multiple resources listed below...
HotCouponWorld, AFullCup, & AThriftyMama(for the organic coupon links)