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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Coupon Chaos! An insight to my coupon organization method!

How many of you get behind? I am 2 weeks behind and this is what it looks like! Total Chaos! It doesn't take me too long but still! I have 5 papers from this weekend and 8 from last weekend! I just wanted to give everyone a little insight to my organization method for coupons!

I separate each individual paper from one insert and stack like papers on top of each other! I take a stapler and staple all of the coupons together(making sure I don't staple in the bar code). I do this because all of the same coupons stay together. I organize them in alphabetical order by the name brand. I have 5 binders that I separate them into. One is for surplus that I sell on ebay (organized in the smaller bin with envelopes by product type), one is for food items only and 3 are for non-food items.

Yes it seems like a lot to do but usually it only takes me about 30 minutes each week to organize and file all coupons! I use the baseball inserts and only put one set of coupons in each slot. This makes it easier for me to find each coupon as I need them!

I don't take my binders into the store with me like I did when I first started! I have learned how to read the sales each week and make a list, pull the coupons...and go shopping! This takes way less time in the store also than going through a big binder!

The bigger bin is for coupons that I cut, but haven't filed yet!

I would love to hear how you store your coupons...please leave any comments!

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