Be sure to check back with me over the weekend details on what I did with this weeks groceries! Pictures and all!
You can go here to see what I did with all of this meat!
As I mentioned before I am raising my weekly budget from $100 per week to $150 per week due to adding 2 more adults to my household. (Now we are a family of 6...4 adults, 1 6 yr old, 1 3 month old!)
We will start out with my very small CVS trip!

4 Boxes of Kellogg's Cereal @ $2 each (Used raincheck from last week's sale!)
Price: $8
Used: 4 $1/1 Kellogg Cereal Coupons
New Price: $4.23
OOP: $4.23
***In the chaos of 2 coupon classes in 1 week, I left my CVS folder on my desk at home but I had my rainchecks in my wallet. I didn't get to use any ECB's or my Gift Card! If I had my folder with me my OOP would've been $0.00! I didn't mind though...I have gotten thousands of dollars worth of free items from there this year and "I guess" it won't kill me to actually pay more than .42 for something, right?
Next we will go to Publix (way more detailed but I am saving the best for last!)

Here is what I bought!
4 boxes of Kellogg's Frosted Flakes @ $1.99 each
Used: 4 $1/1 Kellogg's coupons
Price: .99 each
4 Crisco Vegetable Oil @ $2.24 and $2.25 each
Used: 4 - .45/1 coupons doubled
Paid: $1.63 each
4 bags of Glory Greens @ $2 each
Used: 4 - .55/1 coupons
Price: $1.45 each
10 Boxes of Martha White Corn Muffin Mix @ 2/.99 each
Used: $5 instant coupon for buying 10 items listed (from yellow advantage flyer)
Price: $0.00 FREE with .05 overage
4 jars of Mt. Olive Hamburger Dills @ $1.39 and $1.40 each
Used: 4 - .50/1 coupons doubled
Price: .39 and .40 each
2 Boxes of Swiss Miss Sensations @ .99 and $1 each
Used: 1 - .50/1 coupon from ALL You Magazine
Used: 1 - .30/1 manufacturer coupon
Price: 1 @ .30 and the other was FREE
3 Bottles of Glass Plus Cleaner @ $1.25 each
Used: 3 - .50/1 coupons doubled
Price: .25 each
1 Box of Lipton tea bags @ $1.97
Used: .75/1 coupon from Hispanic Booklet HomeMailer
Price: .22
4 Boxes of Domino Light Brown Sugar @ .69 each
Used: 4 - .25/1 coupons doubled
Price: .44 each
1 bag of Dixie Brown Sugar @ $1.79
Used .55/1 store coupon from Winter Savings Booklet stacked with .30/1 manufacturer coupon doubled.
Price: .64 (2 lb bag)
NOTE: This is a better deal than the Domino boxes of sugar. They are priced at .44 after coupon and sale for 1 lb. You get 1 more pound with this deal for only .20 more!
2 bags of Chips Ahoy (my husband's favorite!) @ $1.35 each
Used: NO coupons (Gasp!)
Price: $2.71 for 2
2 bags of Lay's Chips ( also my husband's favorite) @ $2 each
Used: $1/2 coupon from Kroger Home Mailer (manufacturer coupon-racing booklet)
Price: $1.50 each
2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner @ $2 each
Used: 2 - .50/1 Internet Printable coupons
Price: $1 each
1 GE CFL Lightbulb @ $3.59
Used: $2/1 Publix store coupon from Green Advantage Flyer (expires 11/21 - tomorrow) stacked with $1/1 manufacturer coupon
Price: .59
3 Rolls of Jimmy Dean Sausage @ $2.50 each
3 packs of Jimmy Dean Sausage Patties @ $2.50 each
Used: 3 - $1/1 Publix coupon from Winter Savings Booklet (manufacturer coupon)
Used: 3 - FREE Sausage Patties or Links WYB this roll of sausage!
Price for all 6 items: $4.50
1 can of Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce @ .72 (cheapest I've seen it is .88 so to me...this was a good deal...could be cheaper next week somewhere!)
1 Bag of baby carrots
Price: $1.29 (needed these for roast!)
2 Sara Lee Cinnamon Rolls and 1 Sara Lee Pound Cake @ $2.50 each
Used: 3 - $1/1 Manufacturer coupons from Publix winter savings booklet
Price: $1.50 each (these will come in hand for holiday guests!)
16 cans of Del Monte Vegetables @ .64 each
Used: 4 - $1/4 manufacturer coupons
Price: .39 per can or $6.24 for all 16 cans!
Note: Target does carry these vegetables but since we are not a Super Store they do not have many in inventory! I was able to get rain checks! They are on sale there for .50 each and the coupons make them .25 each!
4 bags of BirdsEye Steamfresh "corn on cob" @ $1.24 each
Used: 4 - .35/1 coupons doubled
Price: .54 each
4 bags of BirdsEye Steamfresh White Rice and Rice w/ Veggies @ .89 each
Used: 4 - .35/1 coupons doubled
Price: .19 each
Total: Before Coupons and Sales: $182.65
Total OOP: $53.47
Savings: 70%
Now on to my Kroger Trip: Done in 2 seperate transactions! 1 for planned purchases and 1 for manager specials!

Transaction #1
1 bag of Kroger Shredded Cheese @ $1.66
Used: .45 Shortcuts coupon loaded onto card!
Price: $1.21
1 jar of Kroger Salsa @ $1.69
Used: .50 Shortcut coupon plus .50/1 coupon from Kroger Mailer doubled
Price: .19
1 6-pk of Armour Vienna Sausages @ $2.89 (another Husband thing! YUK!)
Used: .50/1 coupons from Kroger home mailer doubled
Price: $1.89
4 Bottles of French's Worcestershire Sauce @ $1.49 each
Used: "FREE" item coupon
Price: FREE
1 can of Betty Crocker Frosting @ $1.50
Used: .50/1 coupon doubled
Price: .50
2 packs of Betty Crocker Cookie Mixes @ $2 each
Used: 2 - .50/1 coupons found on Betty Crocker Frostings, doubled
Price: $1 each
2 3-pks of Yeast @ $1.49 each
Used: 3 - .45/1 coupons doubled
Price: .59 each
NOTE: There is a catalina printing out for .50 OYNO for each of these that you buy. I received 2 of them for buying 2. These coupons will double at the register valuing them at $1 each. I can go back in and purchase 4 more packs of yeast @ .59 for a total of $2.36, use my 2 catalinas, pay .36 OOP and get another set of 2 - .50 OYNO Catalinas to keep rolling over on the yeast as long as I have coupons for them! Once I run out of coupons then I will just use them towards a future purchase! ( I have a total of 8 coupons, 2 of which I have already used! 6 more to go!)
2 bags of Pillsbury Grands frozen biscuits @ $1.99 each
Used: 2 - .50/1 coupons from internet
Price: .99 each
1 bag of Ore-Ida Steamfresh Sweet Potatoes @ $3
Used: $1/1 coupon found on outside of freezer case door stacked with $1/1 Shortcuts Coupon
Price: $1
1 box of Perdue ShortCuts Chicken was purchase with transaction #2 but pictured with #1's items! (not included in price)
Total: $39.65
Total OOP: $13.76
Savings: 66%

Transaction #2
Here is what I found!
2 5lb bags of potatoes @ Reg. Price $3.69
Price: $1.89 each
Savings: 49%
2 Pork Roasts @ Reg Price: 1 @ $14.45 and 1 @ 15.98
Price: $6.71 and $7.37
Savings: 54%
1 Head of Lettuce @ Reg. Price: $1.19
Price: .59
Savings: 50%
2 Kroger Non-Fat Plain Yogurt containers @ Reg. Price: $3.89 each
Price: .49 each
Savings: 87%
1 Kroger Ranch Dip @ Reg. Price: $2.79
Price: .39
Savings: 86%
1.09 lbs of Bananas @ Reg. Price: .69/lb
Price: (.39/lb) .43 (3 bananas)
Savings: 45%
1 Package of Pioneer Brown Gravy @ Reg. Price: $.99
Price: .49
Savings: 50%
1 Box of Kraft Stove Top Stuffing @ Reg. Price: $1.00
Price: .49
Savings: 50%
1 Chuck Steak @ Reg. Price: $12.07
Price: $5.89
Savings: 60%
3 packs of Boneless Pork Chops 1@ $4.55, $4.95, & $5.87
Price: $3.51, $2.96, & $2.72
Savings: 40%
2 bags of Perdue Boneless Skinless Individually Wrapped Chicken Breasts @ $11.98 each
Price: 3 @ $2.99 each
Savings: 75%
10 - 5lb packs of 80% Ground Chuck Reg. Price: $11.98 each
Price: $2.99 each
Savings: 75%
Total Regular Price: $223.48
TOTAL OOP: $75.39
Again, be sure to check back with me over the weekend to see what I did with all of this meat!
Total Spending For This Week!
The $3.15 will roll over into next weeks budget!
The $3.15 will roll over into next weeks budget!
Wow! You really got some great deals. I never find meat that cheap. Way to go!
I'm not sure that you have a Kroger in your area but as a tip...all stores marks their meat and produce down, it's just a matter of knowing when they do it! For Kroger it is each morning between 7-9am. Most of the stores do it early in the morning before they have a lot of customers in the store! I have heard of some doing it on certain days or nights but they all vary! Next time you are shopping...ask for the manager of the meat department when they mark their meat down! Usually they are more than happy to tell you because they would rather sell the meat than throw it away! I hope that you are able to find some good deals with this tip!
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