It's that time again!
This Saturday from 9am until 1pm I will be hosting my once per month yard sale!
This Saturday from 9am until 1pm I will be hosting my once per month yard sale!
Each month I go through my entire house and constantly find things that I, or someone in my family, no longer use. Now that we are a family of 6 there are way more things to sell this time around!
We also open our yard up to other friends and families that would like to join us each time we have one!
I also wait until December to put things out such as Christmas decor and brand new items still in their original packaging! I have a good 6' table worth of Christmas items and double that of brand new toys and things that I have purchased to re-sell! I get things at such a great deal to begin with that I can still make them at least 50% or more off of their retail price!
I also include any items that I have purchased to stockpile that I feel I can live without! In addition to donating my items, I ad them to my yard sales to make a little extra money! This will come in handy for any last minute things I would like to buy this year!
I will also be adding a "Baked Goods" table for my daughter this month! Almost 2 years ago (5 years old at the time) she wanted a Nintendo DS. At $120...I refused. After months of begging for one (only because every other child her age seemed to have one...which wasn't good enough for me to buy it) my husband and I sat down with her and told her that if she wanted this game console that she had to save her own money and purchase it herself.
1 1/2 years later (patient isn't she) she finally saved up enough money to buy one! She put back her gift money from each holiday and birthday and asked to do things each week to earn a little extra money! This was a child who wanted to spend her little $1 and $2 per week chore money on candy. Much to our surprise she really wanted this game and only spent her money on a handful of occasions on other things that she wanted at the time (If she had $5 we taught her how to put part of it back and spend only a part of it!).
She has now been saving for an additional game for this Nintendo and this is where the bake sale comes in handy! She absolutely loves having my yard sales with me. We plan to bake many things with the gazillion bags of cookie mix and allow her to set up shop and make some extra money!
I will be sure to take pictures and let everyone know if she meets her goal! I think I am more excited about doing this than she is! She will keep 100% of the profit from her own sale! We will make the baked goods together Friday after she gets out of school!
I will be away from my computer over the weekend so I will not be able to respond to any emails or comments until later Sunday night!
Wish both of us the best!
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