I checked my email this morning and found this exceptional offer!
You can choose 1 of the Easybakeware pans shown above (plus other items to choose from) for FREE!
PLUS there is a shipping special going on right now that for ONLY $1. You will receive the shipment in 5-10 business days!
I choose the muffin pan (Valued at $15.95) and only paid $1 for the shipping! I have one of the cookie sheets and absolutely love it (cookie sheet not included in deal).
This product is fairly new and I have never seen them on clearance or on sale...ESPECIALLY not for ONLY $1!
I thought that I would pass this great deal on to my readers!
You can go here to order your EasyBakeWare Product!
Be sure to read the fine print before ordering this product. You will have to cancel a trial membership within 7 days of ordering or you will be charged a $19.95 membership fee....here are the details...
Offer Details:
Simply click "Place Order" to submit your EasyBakeware purchase, get shipping for $1, and activate your Savings Ace trial membership. The membership fee of $19.95 per month will be charged/debited by Savings Ace to the credit/debit card you used today with EasyBakeware after the 7-day FREE trial and then automatically charged/debited each month at the then-current monthly membership fee so long as you remain a member. Of course, you can call toll-free at 888-593-5216 and speak to a Savings Ace representative within the first 7 days to cancel. Please note that by agreeing to these Offer Details, you are authorizing EasyBakeware to securely transfer your name, address and credit/debit card information to Savings Ace. If you used a debit card today, then beginning on or about 7 days from now, your monthly membership fee for Savings Ace will be automatically debited each month on or about that same date at the then-current membership fee from the checking account associated with the debit card you provided
When I clicked the $1 shipping offer it looks like you have to activate a trial membership to Savings Ace. Did you see that when you placed your order?
I did not see that initially...thanks for catching it for me or else I would have ended up with a charge on my account!
I will release an updated post to let everyone know about it!
As long as you cancel the trial membership before the 7 days is up you will not be charged the $19.95!
I usually am more thorough than that...sorry!
Again, Thanks for letting us know!
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