I have some friends who farm and another friend who has connections with many farmers here in the Southeast.
This year's rain surplus has damaged a lot of crops and their could possibly be a shortage on certain items this year.
We don't see the effect right now but over the next few months we should start seeing the shortages.
Here are some of the crops that have been destroyed...
Right now we are purchasing items that contain the above crops from previous harvests. Once the new harvest starts hitting the shelves you will either see one of two things...we could totally run out OR the supply and demand inflation will occur but most likely BOTH!
I can't say whether or not these things will happen but according to my resources their is a high possibility of these shortages.
I know personally that pecans will have a shortage. My grandparents live in a pecan orchard and they have 3 variety trees on their land and none of them have produced like they have in the past. At first we though the squirrels were getting the early crop but by now we should have had a ton...and we don't. The ones that have fallen have been rotten or premature. Pecans are high priced as it is but you will probably see a price hike for next year! This years stock (what's currently in store) came from last years harvest!
What can you do?
If you are concerned about being without any of the above items it may be a good idea to prepare just in case and stock up! I have seen where other bloggers have reported on the Pumkin shortage and recommended stocking up on canned pumpkin...but you may want to look into the other items also!
How can I stock up and save?
Publix and Target still have cheap Del Monte canned veggies! Stock up on potatoes there! I know that they aren't as good as the raw potatoes but better to have these than to have none!
Take notice when mark-downs occur! Often many stores will mark their canned pumkin down after the holidays (Christmas)...take advantage of the mark-downs and stock up!
The drought is one thing...no rain means damaged crops but they can still be watered by other sources!
We got hit hard in the hay industry with last years drought. There were many farms that had to shut down due to the lack of hay...those that grew it lost money and those that used it (to feed their cattle etc) had to pay such an inflated price that they could no longer afford to feed their animals and were forced to close! Those that were able to stay afloat had to raise the prices of their product. Hence the higher cost of meat! Especially beef!
Too much rain is another thing...there's absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent crop damage when this occurs!
1 comment:
hi,that so really good info and I think every one should read that. Could you send that to all the blogs you read so they can post it for there readers to with a link back to you?
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