Does this pile of clothes look familiar?
This is a prime example of why we should strive NOT to get behind on laundry!
I have been so busy this past week and neglected one of my household duties...LAUNDRY!
I try to wash clothes twice per week and never on the weekend. I have a husband who changes clothing twice per day due to his job and a daughter who thinks that her regular clothes are dress-up clothes ( I am working on this one!)! We accumulate a good 6 - 7 loads per week depending on whether or not it is time to wash comforters!
No matter how hard I try to simplify this area of my seems like a never ending battle!
I go through our clothes once per month and constantly pull things out to donate. I don't know where it all comes from! I can't tell you the last time we bought a piece of clothing!
I honestly don't think that I could have only a handful of clothes...or maybe I could. When I was working full-time I had to wear business casual attire and grew quite a large wardrobe.
I wasn't spending a ton of money on each piece of clothing (always found a clearance deal). I actually had a budget of up to $15 for pants, $10 on shirts, and $15 on shoes. Most of what I found was $5 or less!
Once I resigned from my full-time job back last July I went through my closet to see what I could get rid of! I could not believe the amount of clothing and shoes I had. I had never payed too much attention to it! I had 64 pairs of shoes, 8 purses, 22 pairs of pants/jeans, and about 80 tops. (you don't even have to say anything!
Immediately I decided that I was only going to keep 7 pairs of shoes. 2 pair of tennis shoes (nice/yard), my favorite pair of flip-flops (I am a big
Crocs Fan!), black/brown winter shoes, and black/brown sandals. This was easier than I thought! The rest I threw in a box for my next yard sale. My husband walked in on me and just shook his head!
I have simplified my clothing down to 3 pairs of jeans, 4 pairs of dress slacks, 2 dresses (not a big dress fan), 10 T-Shirts (love these things), and 10 dress shirts. Again, this was easier than I thought! My purses are down to a black and a brown one!
I have done the same with my daughter's clothing and shoes. She is 7...the age of destruction. She can whip through a pair of tennis shoes in just a couple of months. She likes to play rough and usually ends up tearing them up in that time frame! I can't tell you how many times I have had to patch the knees of her jeans!
I buy most of her clothing at consignment sales and yard sales and some at retail stores when I find a good deal! I have also narrowed her closet down quite a bit too! Luckily she has been wearing the same size clothing for over a year now! I thought that she would never quit growing...feet included! We have taken her summer clothing out and 99% of it still fits her which will go great with our budget! I have many tops and shorts that I bought on clearance at the end of the season last year! I couldn't pass up shorts and shirts for .99 at my local Children's Place outlet! These "new" items will be put back for school next year! We shouldn't have to buy her anything except maybe shoes!
We are going to just leave my husband out of this...he likes to hold onto everything...after 11 years I don't think he is going to change...just as long as he doesn't try to wear it all in 1 week!
A penny for your thought! Does anyone have any great tricks to tame their laundry? How do you shop for your families clothing? Any great secrets out their?
Leave a comment and let us know!